
Dynamic Earth – Discovering The Deep

For Dynamic Earth’s latest permanent exhibition Discovering The Deep we created content for a number of interactives  as well as producing the introduction film and content for a number of our exhibits.

We worked closely with Studio MB who designed the overall exhibition and Pixel Stag who were taking care of the interactive elements.

Together we had regular meetings with the team at Dynamic Earth to guide us through the scientific elements and to discuss all stages of the project from development to final delivery.

Our Connected Ocean – A film created to inspire the viewer of the significance of the ocean and come away with greater understanding of the ocean’s influence on them and their influence on the ocean. The client wanted the film to convey excitement and awe for the ocean and set them up to explore the exhibition. It is projected on a large curved wall next to globe of the world.

Deep Ocean Threats – An interactive that highlights the fragility of coral habitats, multiple users are able to explore the impacts of human activity.

Collaborative Research Projects – An array of three monitors with the centre screen showing footage of a marine scientist discussing their work. On the left motion graphics illustrate information about the projects that are being discussed. The monitor on the right shows the science at work.

Mapping the Deep – Touchscreen allows visitors to emit multiple beam echoes from a research vessel and map the ocean floor. The user is then invited to drag the ship across the surface of the water to reveal the terrain beneath. A secondary layer shows a surface map displaying waters surrounding Scotland’s coastline. Three points are highlighted with markers inviting the user to select a location to see a fly-through animation.