National Museums of Scotland – Adventure Planet Gallery
We were invited to participate in the redevelopment of the popular Adventure Planet gallery at the National Museum of Scotland (NMS), which has recently reopened to the public. This revitalised, immersive space is designed for the attraction’s younger visitors and their families to explore and learn about the natural world.
Working closely with Studio Arc, who redesigned the overall exhibition, we were tasked with creating the interactive content for the exhibits. We designed and animated the content, while PixelStag took care of the interactive side of things. We held various meetings with experts from NMS to ensure that the content we created accurately portrayed the natural world.
Fish Camouflage – This exhibit projects a marine environment onto the floor of the gallery. Multiple visitors can use a touchscreen to learn about how fish can camouflage themselves from predators. They can then design their own fish and see which one will survive!
Food Pyramid – An interactive game played on a touchscreen that reinforces the vital interdependency of marine life within an ocean food pyramid.
Beach Clean – A digital touchscreen positioned within a 3D sand bucket. Players are presented with a series of items and must decide if they are part of the natural environment to be left in situ or cleaned up. After completing the game, they receive a score.
Dino Dig – A hip-height display containing two large encased interactive screens that allow multiple players to engage in the active process of uncovering a fossilised dinosaur skeleton.
These interactive exhibits contribute to the overall experience of Adventure Planet at NMS, offering engaging and educational opportunities for visitors. Plan your visit today to explore the wonders of the natural world through these exciting installations at the National Museum of Scotland.